Valid Payment Accounts:

Payments made to accounts other than the specified
account number will not be considered valid.

Valid Account Information:

- Account Title: International Human Rights Movement

Bank: Faysal Bank

Account Number: 3051-3010-0001-1421

International Transactions:

- For international transactions, use the following details:

Bank: Standard Chartered Bank

- IBAN: PK15SCBL0000001458261601

Copyright Information:

- The International Human Rights Movement holds all rights reserved.
- Trademark symbols: ✓ ® © ™

  • Important Note:

    Ensure accurate details and adherence to the specified instructions to facilitate valid transactions and communication. Your commitment as a member strengthens our collective pursuit of human rights, and we appreciate your dedication to this noble cause.

Support Email

Office Address

62-B, Shan Arcade, Barkat Market, Lahore - Pakistan